Header: (c) Christian Jeschke

CHIN Radio/TV international


 jeden Sonntag bei CHIN Radio Toronto & Ottawa:

  • von 14.00 bis 15.00 Uhr Torontoer Zeit; und von 16.00 Uhr bis 17.00 Ottawa Zeit.
  • von 20.00 Uhr bis 21.00 Uhr deutscher Zeit; und auch 22:00 bis 23:00 Uhr.
  • in Canada über CHIN Radio Toronto auf Welle 1540 AM; und 97.9 FM CHIN Ottawa
  • in Deutschland und weltweit über Internet       www.     chinradio.com 
  • Listen Live Toronto AM1540; oder FM97.9 Ottawa


Die Titelmelodie für “ULLI`S MORGENMAGAZIN.DE – der Leitsong zur weltweiten Aktion COME TOGETHER “HELFEN KÖNNEN WIR” und zur Spendenaktion JEDER EURO HILFT! für Menschen in Not  wurde uns mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Marcel Schaar, Singer & Songwriter und Bandleader aus Deutschland, zur Verfügung gestellt.

Alle Infos Marcel Schaar & Band "Little Country Gentlemen" - HIER!

Immer wieder hörenswert: - nicht nur in der Sendung ULLI JESCHKE`S NEUES NACHMITTAGS-RADIO: 

Der Shanty-Chor



Neu Wulmstorf/Deutschland

Aktuelle Hörbücher aus  Deutschland


Hamburg + Mecklenburg


  • Hörbuchreihe

  • Hörproben

  • Audioguides

  • Referenzen

  • Auszeichnungen


Alle Infos - HIER!

Moll Berczy House

Toronto´s einzige Residenz für deutsch sprechende Senioren

Toronto´s only Residence for German speaking Seniors

Donau Schwaben Club

1686 Ellesmere Road, Scarborough,

Ontario M1H 2V5

Tel: (416) 296-0404 Email: donauschwaben.to


Toronto - the Skyline

Night & Day

by Christian Jeschke

Toronto - Daylight

Toronto - Sunset

Toronto - Nightlight

Winter Impressions

Chin Radio/TV International

CHIN is First & Unique - CHIN is the first multicultural/multilingual station to be established in Ontario. It is the pioneer in multicultural radio broadcasting and has led the way for similar broadcast operations to be established in other communities.

CHIN is not only "unique in Toronto," but now also "unique in Ottawa/Gatineau". CHIN Ottawa CJLL 97.9FM began its unique multicultural/multilingual style of broadcasting to the Ottawa/Gatineau region in October 2003, and is the very first third language radio service in our nation's capital.


CHIN reaches out in over 30 languages to more than 30 cultural communities in the greater metropolitan Toronto and southern Ontario areas on CHIN AM1540/FM100.7, and over 18 languages and cultures in the Ottawa/Gatineau region on 97.9FM CJLL. The contribution of CHIN to the cause of multiculturalism, understanding and tolerance between people of many national, racial and religious origins has been recognized and acknowledged throughout Canada.

CHIN radio programming is also available via satellite across North America on Anik F1, Ku-Band, Transponder l8 (digital format) to the many cities and towns it is unable to reach by radio. With CHIN programming available for down-linking from satellite, cable systems outside the CHIN Radio broadcast radius are now offering CHIN radio programming to their communities via CableFM.

Worldwide, CHIN Toronto Radio AM1540 (simulcast on 91.9fm) and FM100.7, as well as CHIN Ottawa CJLL 97.9FM, are all carried live over the internet on www.chinradio.com.